The Future of Protein Dinner

Additional course content

Course #5
Family Meal of the Future - The Year 2040

The vast majority of humanity eats insects regularly. And it turns out that insects are not only protein-rich, their cultivation also requires dramatically less energy and resource and produces far less pollution than the farming of livestock. These dishes demonstrate that insects can be incorporated into comfortingly familiar foods, creating alternatives that are both delicious and sustainably scalable.

food Culture

Once we in the West get over our initial resistance, insects will become as invisible and pervasive as current staples like soy and corn - providing essential sustenance at minimal monetary and environmental cost.


Similar to processed soy protein, insect protein can take the form of flour - making it easy to incorporate into a wide variety of foods, from pasta to food bars. 


Take crickets for example: Crickets require 1/12 the feed and 1/2000 the water that beef cattle require to produce a pound of edible protein. And the greenhouse gases produced by cricket cultivation are 100x less than those produced by cows. (1)


Since insect cultivation is so much more resource-efficient, we could supply the protein requirements of vastly more people on a fraction of the land we currently use for animal protein production. Imagine being able to repurpose vast swaths of farmland for recreational and other uses - as well as much cleaner air and the slowing of climate change.

Sponsor links

  • Bitwater Farms - Helping farmers grow more with less
  • Bugsolutely - The edible insect revolution is served
  • Entomo Farms - The planet's most sustainable superfood
  • Exo - Paleo-friendly. Soy, dairy, grain and gluten-free. 10g of protein per bar, offering a sustainable and complete alternative protein source.
  • One Hop Kitchen - The world's first, best, and only insect based bolognese sauce


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