
Rediscover Your Freezer.




Farmstand Biodiverse Organics is the world leader in promoting a more biodiverse and delicious freezer section. Our flash frozen fruits and vegetables from around the world lock in these foods at their peak freshness to be enjoyed whenever the occasion strikes for you. Our focus is on novel foods that expand your palate and help promote the growth of a wider variety of crops everywhere.

We offer a variety of flash frozen foods, like LabLab beans, which are a popular, versatile legume from Africa and India. They’re a great addition to soups, curries, and so much more. It’s a great source of fiber and tastes similar to a lima bean, only milder. Chaya, also known as tree spinach, is a popular green in Mexico & Central America and has been used in folk medicine for diabetes, obesity, kidney stones, and stimulating digestion.

From India, we have the venerable Alphonso Mango, frequently lauded as the world’s most delicious mango. This mango was banned in the United States in 1989 due to concerns around potential importation of crop pests, but in the early 2000s that ban was released and ever since, Americans have been able to enjoy this delicious cultivar that’ll recalibrate your taste buds for what a Mango can taste like.

And from right here in the United States comes the Paw Paw fruit, which has a sweet, custard flavor similar to a banana or cantaloupe, and is typically eaten raw in addition to being used in ice cream and baked desserts.

With Farmstand, a world of exploration and discovery lies waiting for you right behind your freezer door.

Created by Alpha Food Labs (Danielle Gould + Mike Lee)


Concept Inspired By...

Farmstand was inspired by the following movements, technologies, and trends in food today.

  • Agrobiodiversity: A measure of the diversity of organisms in an ecosystem. In nature, where biodiversity exists, the system is typically more resilient to threats such as disease and pests. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations defines Agrobiodiversity as, “The variety and variability of animals, plants and microorganisms that are used directly or indirectly for food and agriculture, including crops, livestock, forestry and fisheries. It comprises the diversity of genetic resources (varieties, breeds) and species used for food, fodder, fibre, fuel and pharmaceuticals. It also includes the diversity of non-harvested species that support production (soil microorganisms, predators, pollinators), and those in the wider environment that support agro-ecosystems (agricultural, pastoral, forest and aquatic) as well as the diversity of the agro-ecosystems."

  • Regional flavor: Locally made packaged food products have been in existence since the the dawn of the packaged food industry. However, with the Green Revolution, we lost that sense of place behind a lot of packaged food. Food was simply manufactured and the origins of the ingredients were obfuscated behind opaque ingredient labels. But the movement to bring back food that tastes like a region is back. More and more food producers are creating products that tout a certain crop or animal’s geography as a key component to the story and taste.

    • Sample Organizations: Anson Mills, Washington State University Bread Lab

    • Read More: Modern Farmer (