Crop Crisps

The snack that gives back.



Once you open a box of Crop Crisps, you won’t be able to stop. These supremely snackable crackers are versatile enough to enjoy on their own or be paired with cheese, dips, spreads, and more. Crop Crisps are available in four annual varieties -- hard red wheat, white winter wheat, lentil, and chickpea -- and that’s no coincidence. We plant and rotate our crops every year in a four-year cycle so that each variety restores natural balance and harmony to the soil and environment. Here at Crop Crisps, we’re always revolving.

About Crop Crisps

Crop Crisps are your new favorite cracker for more reasons than one. Our delightful snacks are baked to perfection and come in deliciously earthy flavors that pair well with just about anything. On top of that, each variety celebrates crop diversity for a snack that truly gives back.
Available in four annual flavors -- hard red wheat, white winter wheat, lentil, and chickpea -- our crackers are worth the wait. To produce our small wonders, we use crop diversity methods, a technique in which crops are planted annually in a four-year cycle to support and restore nutrients to the soil and improve our environment as a whole. 
Decades of monoculture farming has altered the balance of our soil, and fossil fuels are in danger of becoming extinct. Our crackers offer a delicious solution to this problem, while celebrating the beauty and flavor of carefully cultivated crops. Every time you bite into one of our delectable crackers, you’ll know that you’re doing your body and the environment good. Crop Crisps -- The snack that gives back.

Created by Alpha Food Labs (Danielle Gould + Mike Lee)

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Concept Inspired By...

Crop Crisps were inspired by the following movements, technologies, and trends in food today.

  • Sustainability At Scale: A concept that imagines how food companies might create products that are more sustainable as they scale, not less. Agriculture is one of the most intensive systems impacting the health of our planet. Can we take the most sustainable farming practices--crop rotation, organic agriculture, permaculture--and make these practices the rule, instead of the exception?

  • Agrobiodiversity: A measure of the diversity of organisms in an ecosystem. In nature, where biodiversity exists, the system is typically more resilient to threats such as disease and pests. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations defines Agrobiodiversity as, “The variety and variability of animals, plants and microorganisms that are used directly or indirectly for food and agriculture, including crops, livestock, forestry and fisheries. It comprises the diversity of genetic resources (varieties, breeds) and species used for food, fodder, fibre, fuel and pharmaceuticals. It also includes the diversity of non-harvested species that support production (soil microorganisms, predators, pollinators), and those in the wider environment that support agro-ecosystems (agricultural, pastoral, forest and aquatic) as well as the diversity of the agro-ecosystems."